Hey Guys,
I sent this mail to David Klein at Bucks Bags, regarding "made in America"
Hey Dave
I just posted this on the FTFF forum page. can you clear this up for me? the question was regarding "made in America float tubes and toons."
Hey Dave
I just posted this on the FTFF forum page. can you clear this up for me? the question was regarding "float tubes and toons made in America'
Hey guys,
the trick is distinguishing between "Made" and "Assembled". Although a product may be "assembled" here the components may be made else where. Also the difference may be, that the components and final product may be "made" here, but the raw materials may be foreign. It is a tough call. I have been a tried and true Buck's patron my whole life. I know they are "Made" here, (designed, the components made, and the product assembled,). As far as the raw materials I'm not sure. I'm going to shoot David Klein an e-mail and see if he can't clear this up. In any case I appreciate Buck's because they were one of the first and I think still one of the best manufacturers of inflatable fishing watercraft!
And here is his response,
Thanks for the e-mail and there are no easy cut and dry answers to your question. For example, the bladders are made from polyurethane that is made in the US but the covers are made from PVC coated fabric that is made in Korea. Almost impossible and very cost prohibitive to get US made fabric anymore. It is just not being done. Also, the steel is from the US, but certain other components like the molded seat, oars etc. are made overseas. We do all the assembly here. Even if we wanted to do everything here with 100% US components, I don’t think it would be possible and the boats would have to sell for double what they do. Unfortunately, this is where things are as a country. Some of the stuff from overseas is good and some is crap……it all depends on the importing company and their standards. I hope this helps.
So as I suspected, like most American companies, Buck's is trying to compete on the world market and still maintain some national integrity. a tough row to hoe. I applaud their effort and support their products for it.