It's impossible for you to see this as anything but a competition, isn't it?
a little verification on this end would be appreciated
What do you imagine needs verifying? This is Catch of the Month, it isn't biggest fish of the month. If it's a picture of a person with a fish and a float tube, it's verified.
So....I can just go through my 100's of photos and be the winner every month?
There are no qualifications for Catch of the Month. It might be the smallest fish with the best story. It might be an ordinary fish caught under extraordinary circumstances. It might be a picture of one of your fish caught 20 years ago.
So, yeah, post what you like. If it's a picture of a person and a fish and a float tube, it's automatically in the running for Catch of the Month.
Of course Jerdon can pick any picture he likes and I'm guessing he isn't going to pick the same guy every month, but go for it if it seems important to you.
The more pictures we have, the easier it is to inspire shore-bound fisherman to give this great sport a try!