I always carry it with me in my phone
Bass Chart To Carry In Phone (I use the Barred Sand Bass chart for all Bay Bass:
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I hope that someone out there may find my lil’ cheat to be a helpful tool to keep and use, I sure do.
I know ... the chart may not be 100% correct; most of the time, but it will darn sure get you in the ballpark of what the fish should approx weigh!
And Yes, the same length fish can and should out weigh each other. lol
Bass Chart To Carry In Phone (I use the Barred Sand Bass chart for all Bay Bass:
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I hope that someone out there may find my lil’ cheat to be a helpful tool to keep and use, I sure do.
I know ... the chart may not be 100% correct; most of the time, but it will darn sure get you in the ballpark of what the fish should approx weigh!
And Yes, the same length fish can and should out weigh each other. lol