Well here is my video report of lake Gregory $500,000.00 derby. I got there early in the morning about 5:30am and the air was chill. So I pre-paid for our tickets online so that my wife and I where in the water by 7:00am start of the derby, WRONG! the people that where paying there and then were getting it done way faster than everyone that had paid online. By the time my wife and I got out wristbands and our float tubes inspected and where in the water it was 8:20am They need to be more organized. I ran into dosomedirt and his friend Augie and a lot guys out there that I seen at other lakes as well. As for the derby all I have to say is never again will I enter their derby's, I will go out there and float tube it but no more derby's after seeing that they have a holding net for the fish I think that is a bull! There where guys catching old different color tagged fish hummmm I find that weird, anyways the day was nice I cant say the fishing was great cuss I caught only 1 catfish on a mice tail and sooo many short bites, as for my wife..... yea she out fished me she had a blast she hooked up 3rainbows 2crappies 1brown and she had 2 monster fights and lost them and sooo+ooo many short bites as well.