Well my buddy and I launched the prowler last night at 11pm and fished till 9 am.. we divided the trip into two mock tournament sessions. A night and a day event. With the intention of seeing what kind of 5 fish combined limit we could produce.we are contemplating fishing in the Saltwater Bass Series bay events and just want to know where we would stand against all the sposored guys in their 30k fishing machines. Well our night sesh started with me losing a toad of a fish I hooked on a 7" savage bait in green/silver... but by 5 am we put together a respectable 7# plus for 4 spotties caught.. along with a handfull of nice sand bass and a halibut. The morning sesh started at 6am and by 9am we had a 5 fish limit that weighed in at 10.2 with a 3# kicker fish... according to past results we would have either won or placed in the top 5.. it was a great night and morning for us I have a lot of the morning sesh on video just need to post it on youtube tomorrow.