Hey all not really sure where to start with this, I used to be pretty involved with this forum awhile back and participated in meetups for about 2 years and even helped Jeff out by coordinating a Perris Toy Drive and haven't been active on this site since probably 2014. It's also worth mentioning that a long time ago at a Huntington Harbor meetup a ton of the members on this site hooked me up with several plano trays of saltwater baits/lures/plastics/etc. and showed me the ropes of saltwater harbor fishing as that was my first experience with it ever. Life happened though and my attention was diverted towards other things and as a result I cut a lot of the fishing out of my life (really sucked) but managed to get past everything to where I am now, which is ready to do a s*** ton of fishing again!!! I live in Long Beach and have made the LAB my spot when I have managed to get out in my tube launching by the Sailing Center so it's easy to wash my tube after and mostly at night with an occasional early morning thrown in since I've experienced that the bite is exponentially better when it's dark. I also used to frequent Perris a lot, so much so that I still know the topology of that lake and underwater structure pretty well although I've only been once or twice since the water has been lowered so that is probably just a little different now. ANYWAYS! I've been driving around with my FTFF sticker on my car always reminding me of this place and so I wanted to reintroduce myself and get involved with this forum and all the members, old and new, again and do some fishing!