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Upgraded Sonar for my float tube/kayak

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1Upgraded Sonar for my float tube/kayak Empty Upgraded Sonar for my float tube/kayak Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:58 pm

Tim Murphy

Tim Murphy
Junior FTFF Member
Junior FTFF Member

Dear Board,

I have a Float Tube Fanatics battery box and transducer mount that I have used on occasion on my float tube. I have a Garmin ECHO 150 mounted on it now. It works fine, but I'd like to upgrade a bit without breaking the bank. I'd like something with 3D down imaging and GPS mapping.

Watching my buddy and his son kayak fish with Torqeedos and big screen sonars with GPS locking guidance gave me a bit of gear envy. 😉

I don't want to go that far, but I'd like something better than my current sonar. When I float tube I generally just work along the shoreline or obvious known structure fly fishing using a floating line. I have sink-tip, intermediate, and full sinking lines that would allow me to fish in deeper water.

Because it would be used on a float tube mostly, I'm thinking about the Garmin Stryker 4CV. A 4" screen is plenty big enough when it's 18" away from me.

I have a couple of questions for the board.

Does anyone currently own and use this Garmin model? If so, what do you think about it?

If you owned it previously, why did you move on?

Can anyone recommend an alternative? I'd like to stay around $ 400.00 or less.


Tim Murphy 🙂

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