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Pontoon boat

5 posters

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1Pontoon boat Empty Pontoon boat Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:03 pm


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Classic Ac. Colorado XT , anyone own one? I would like to know what u think, good boat? I'm thinking of buying one for fishing. Old age is kicking in, legs and back r giving me fits at times, so I thought I'd look into a pontoon with trolling motor.

This topic has probably been kicked around before, but I wanted to hear from those new to pontoons....much appreciated......GT

2Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:03 pm


Team Poseidon
Team Poseidon

GT , I have read some great reviews on these pontoons , but as you know i have not been able to try one out , but there is a guy who uses one at Perris weekly and I mostly see him along the dam slaying blue gills with crickets ... Here is a good little review I found

The boat took about an hour the first time I put it together. I actually bought one of these for my buddy who fishes with me so the 2nd time it only took like 15 minutes. It's pretty darn simple to put together. Overall, the boat is perfect for someone looking to get out in the coves, ponds, or lightly traveled lakes. I bought the Minkota 30# thrust troller for the boats and they work perfectly for getting you around the lake without having to paddle. I don't even have the oars on my boat at this point. (hopefully the motor doesn't break while I'm on the water.# It's a very strudy boat, you feel comfortable and secure on it. The frame is sturdy and you can tell it's not made cheeply. You can adjust the foot rests to fit your body frame so you can really set this thing to your size. My biggest suggestion for buyers of this boat: 1. The seat for me sits too low to the water. When you're fishing it's better to be above the boat casting down at the water. So I purchased a 8" pedestal that swivels [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] swivel seat is key) from Wal-Mart in the store, so now I am 8" higher and I can turn my seat as the boat turns. It's so light in the water that if you're reeling in a crank or spinner, the boat will actually turn towards your lure. The swivel seat is crucial to be comfortable in this thing for any extended periods of time...ESCPECIALLY if you're using a trolling motor. It makes it that much simpler to be able to turn back towards the troller handle to control the boat and speed. If you don't do this at first, you eventually will. My only other critique of this boat is the seat. It's comfortable enough but it leans back to far. You're not sitting upright when you're casting if you lean back into the seat, you're more like in a slight recliner position - I personally like to be upright when I'm reeling. All I did was put a folded up rag under where the seat and the seat frame meet when it folds and that keeps the seat propped up for me. Easy enough fix but thought it was worth mentioning. I shopped quite a few different boats of this type and even Kayaks. For the weekend Angler and if you're not wanting to put a ton of money into a "real" boat, this is definitely a good buy. I think the price point is on on par with what you're getting. Also - the side bags and stuff they give you are really nice. They are super durable and you can make good use of them with your tackle, etc. Super impressed with the quality and really have no complaints at all. Nice work, Classic Accessories!

3Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:49 pm


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Thanks Wes, much appreciated...........missed the spawn, dam back went out and having a new roof on the house. Some of the guys r going out Sunday at Hunt. Harbor, but I still have problems with getting fins off and on......old age sucks.

I figure I can fish more maybe in a toon than the tube. Wal Mart has a troller 30# for $80. Will see how the next few months go....GT

4Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:12 pm


Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Trophy

I think you are on the right track GT. I bought a yak last year to get to the other side of Perris while the construction is going on. Plainly uncomfortable compared to the float tube. You have seen me walk so you know my condition at times.

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5Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:37 am


FTFF Member
FTFF Member

Hey GT, you might want to re-visit my thread here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Go past the float tube mod stuff to the CA XTS stuff.


6Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Mon May 01, 2017 2:27 pm


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Thanks Hunt........made it out to HH that Sunday, but didn't kick to the bridge where some of the guys went. It felt pretty good to be in the water with no real pressure on my back. I think a toon is where I'm going next.......

7Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Mon May 01, 2017 3:42 pm


FTFF Member
FTFF Member

Pontoons are more versatile but larger to transport and very much heavier. I remove the foot support tubes, the rear basket and support tubing, the tackle pouches and deflate, fold the toons over the central frame (with seat) and heft it into the back of my jeep Grand Cherokee. It is bulky and heavy. Other than that I can attach the wheel and take it quite a distance like a wheelbarrow.
The oars make a large body of water more manageable and it will scoot along nicely. I still wear fins because while fishing I use them for course corrections while drifting and fighting fish.


8Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Mon May 01, 2017 4:14 pm


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Do u still use your trolling motor for windy days or across lakes?

9Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Tue May 02, 2017 6:53 am


FTFF Member
FTFF Member

I used my trolling motor a couple of weeks ago so I could thoroughly map the pond bottom for Insight Genesis maps. My biggest issues with using a motor are the weight of the battery and control of the motor. My seat is as far forward as it can go to balance the boat but my battery is too much of a beast. I bungee it to the front of the tray behind the seat but it and the motor still pull the back end down. Steering is always a problem because the motor is behind and very hard to access. With the swivel seat of the XTS I can turn a bit sideways which helps. This would be a problem on any toon with a motor.


10Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Tue May 02, 2017 7:53 am


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Have u tried to relocate the battery forward?.......for me a trolling motor is a must to venture around the larger lakes. Thanks for the input Hunt.........GT

11Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Tue May 02, 2017 8:42 am


FTFF Member
FTFF Member

Yes GT, the last trip I strapped both the trolling battery and small fishfinder battery to the forward side of the tray. The problem is, I believe, the size (weight) of the battery. Normally a larger capacity battery is desired for trolling motors but in this case, not so much. In order to go to a smaller battery and still have acceptable motor use I probably have to replace my old Minn Kota 65 Turbo with a more efficient modern version like an Endura MAX.


12Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Tue May 02, 2017 10:29 am


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

XTS and U tubers recommend a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Lite, not super fast, but who's in a hurry......I go out maybe 20 trips a year to tube and salt, so I don't need expensive........GT

13Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Mon May 08, 2017 1:04 pm

Carla "Bassin' Grammy"

New FTFF Member
New FTFF Member

I love my Colorado XT. There are not a lot of ponds and lakes in my area that have shore fishing options available without hiking. I'm not much into that, so I purchased the 9' pontoon. I use an air pump,  that has an adapter for my car's power, to pump up the pontoons.  I then use a hand pump to top them off to the correct psi.  I added a swivel to the seat that I had in the garage.( which is a necessity in my opinion, if you're going to mount a trolling motor on the back).  

As far as transportation, it fits nicely in the back of my Hyundai Santa Fe when disassembled, even if I leave the back seats of the car upright. The only issue that I have had, is when I go to use it again after it has dried out, i find the frame is difficult to connect.  I have started spraying some WD-40 on a rag an lubricating the connecting tubes once I'm home. I'm hoping this will help me to more easily re-assemble the frame on my next outing.  I'd be interested if anyone else has this issue, or an alternate solution.

There are youtube videos on how to move the trolling motor to the front.  I would love to do this, but not being horribly mechanical has prevented me from attempting it thus far, but I am still considering it.  This would distribute the weight better (theoretically) and make functioning the trolling motor easier.  FYI...I have MotorGuide 30lb thrust trolling motor.  I use a 12v DC24 size battery to power both the trolling motor and my fishfinder.  The battery fits nicely in the basket and still leaves room  for a small cooler for drinks and lunch.  I use a Scotty transducer mount for my transducer and also have a Scotty Rod Holder, Scotty Anchor Lock, and Scott Fishfinder mount.  I'm still experimenting on the placement of these.  I have a 3lb anchor that I have not yet used.  I do not use the stripping tray, but I really like the gear bags.  They stay on securely.  I use one for my tackle and my camera for tourney photos. In the other bag, I keep some tools, spare clips, patches, duct tape, and rope.  I put my hand pump in one of the rear compartments on the pontoon just in case it might be need.  I have attached rod holders to the basket to hold additional fishing rods and my net.

I have had mine on the water only three times so far, so I'm still working on getting things set up the way that I think I want them.

I hope that helps a bit Very Happy

14Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Mon May 08, 2017 1:26 pm


FTFF Member
FTFF Member

Hi Carla, here is a tip I found helps because my tackle bags are crammed pretty full. It sounds like you must be breaking down your whole frame for transport but I just remove the rear tubing/basket and front foot supports and fold the front pontoons over to the back and the back ends over to the front. Now the center section with seat and all and deflated pontoons will fit in my vehicle and reassembly is faster. The tip, if you are also able to do that, is to unstrap both tackle bags and load them in separately and after assembly just plop them down on the velcro without strapping them down. They will not go anywhere!


15Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Mon May 08, 2017 5:30 pm

Carla "Bassin' Grammy"

New FTFF Member
New FTFF Member

Hunt wrote:Hi Carla, here is a tip I found helps because my tackle bags are crammed pretty full. It sounds like you must be breaking down your whole frame for transport but I just remove the rear tubing/basket and front foot supports and fold the front pontoons over to the back and the back ends over to the front. Now the center section with seat and all and deflated pontoons will fit in my vehicle and reassembly is faster. The tip, if you are also able to do that, is to unstrap both tackle bags and load them in separately and after assembly just plop them down on the velcro without strapping them down. They will not go anywhere!

Thank you .... I'm going to try and see if it fits that way into my car. That would be a great time saver. I appreciate the advice. I'm hoping to start getting out a lot more.

16Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Tue May 09, 2017 8:45 am


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Thanks for the input Carla.........much appreciated......GT

17Pontoon boat Empty Re: Pontoon boat Tue May 09, 2017 8:47 am


Senior FTFF Member
Senior FTFF Member

Great tip Hunt, I have a shortbed Colorado. Your tip would also benefit me too, thanks..........GT

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